- Color: rose pink beige
- Dimensions when closed: 11cm (width) x 8.5cm (h) x 3cm (depth)
- Dimensions when open: 11cm (width) x 17.5cm (h)
- Interior: 5 card compartments, 1 open pocket, 1 zipped pocket
- Snap closure
- Double G
Matelasse Gucci GG 723786 wallet is a pink short button wallet with a simple and elegant design, suitable for daily use. Made of high-quality leather. The short shape is compact and portable, easy to put into a handbag or pocket. The button closure is more fashionable. There are multiple card slots and compartments inside, which are convenient for classifying and storing cash and cards.
The price of the original GUCCI 723786 bag is as high as several thousand dollars, and such a high price makes many people think twice before buying it. While the price of luxury goods represents a symbol of status, it is also unaffordable for many fashion lovers.
Matelasse Gucci GG 723786 replica bag is made of high-grade leather and is strictly reproduced in a 1:1 ratio. Whether it is the texture of the material, or the feel and workmanship, it is no different from the original. From the appearance to the touch, this replica bag perfectly restores the details of the original, so that you can hardly feel the difference from the original when using it.
In contrast, the GUCCI 723786 replica bag only costs a few hundred dollars, which greatly reduces the threshold of owning this bag, and enjoys the same luxury experience as the original bag at a lower price.
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