- Size: 25 x 13 x 10 cm (length x height x width)
- Material: High-quality leather
- Lining: Microfiber lining
- Chain: Removable chain
- Chain half length: 30.0 cm
- Shoulder strap: Removable, adjustable
- Strap half length: 35.0 cm; Adjustable to: 53.0 cm
- Handles: Double handles
Louis Vuitton Onthego East West M23640 bags are famous for their exquisite craftsmanship, and this replica bag is perfectly reproduced in a 1:1 ratio, bringing users an authentic luxury experience.
The bag is made of high-quality canvas and leather, this canvas is delicate, soft and durable, and is specially treated to be waterproof and anti-fouling, the metal parts are precisely polished and electroplated to maintain gloss and increase durability.
Louis Vuitton Onthego East West M23640 imitation craftsmanship of the bag is exquisite, and every detail strives for perfection, Whether it is the structural design of the bag or the decorative details, they are carefully crafted to ensure the integrity of the imitation quality and brand image.
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