- Colour: Black
- Small size: 26cm (width) x 15cm (height) x 7cm (depth)
- Sliding chain strap can be used as a shoulder strap (55 cm high) or as a top handle (30 cm high)
- Zippered inner pocket
- Spring buckle flip cover
- Double G black
GG Marmont 443497 wallet is mainly black, with an oversized flap closure and the iconic double G metal piece; the quilted herringbone leather has a unique texture, echoing the monochrome metal piece. In order to facilitate multiple wearing methods, the flexible shoulder strap design can be used as a shoulder bag or crossbody.
GG Marmont 443497 replica bag selects the same materials as the original, whether it is color, texture, or touch, it has reached the same level as the original. Such a fine replica makes it difficult for counter staff to distinguish its authenticity.
Except for the excellent workmanship of luxury goods, the high price often makes most fashion lovers stay away. Compared with the high price of the original, this completely 1:1 replica bag provides a more affordable option, allowing you to enjoy the same luxury experience as the original bag at a lower cost.
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